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  • 1/6 AtopiControl Успокояващ лосион за тяло
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AtopiControl Успокояващ лосион за тяло

250 мл

2 разфасовки
Basic, daily care for skin with Atopic Dermatitis
A rich body lotion for dry, irritated and itchy skin
Prolongs the period between flare-ups

A daily-use body lotion with Licochalcone A and Ceramides to care for atopic skin

Soothes itchy skin and prolongs the period between flare-ups 



  • suitable for babies as of four weeks
  • fragrance-free



How it works

The care products in the Eucerin AtopiControl range contain a unique active ingredient complex:

  • Licochalcone: an extract of liquorice which soothes skin and reduces redness
  • Ceramides: to strengthen skin’s barrier function
These ingredients work together to soothe skin during acute flare-ups as well as to deliver the daily, basic care that atopic skin needs to prolong the period between flare-ups.

The phases of Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis has two phases:

  1. The acute phase when skin flares up
  2. The period between flare-ups when skin is calmer and less reactive
Atopic skin benefits from skincare products specially formulated to care for it during each of these distinct phases.

In addition to these actives, acute-care-cream also contains Menthoxypropandiol and Decanediol to calm and soothe skin during a flare-up. A derivative of menthol, Menthoxypropandiol cools skin and works at a sensory level to reduce feelings of itchiness. Anti-bacterial Decanediol combats the Stapphylococcus aureus bacteria associated with Atopic Dermatitis.

You can find out more about how the range works in Behind the science of Eucerin AtopiControl.

Impaired skin barrier - Dry, irritable, itchy skin

Dry, irritable, itchy skin: An impaired skin barrier function leads to dryness.
Skin’s barrier is easily irritated and can become inflamed.

Effect of daily care products with Licohalcone A and Ceramides

Calmed and soothed skin: The skin barrier is strengthened. Skin becomes smooth again and is soothed. Itching is relieved.

Често задавани въпроси (4)

За цялостна грижа

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Пионери в грижата за кожата

Ние предлагаме холистичен дермо-козметичен подход, за да защитим кожата Ви и да я поддържаме здрава и сияйна.

Препоръчани от дерматолози

Ние работим заедно с дерматолози и фармацевти по целия свят, за да създадем иновативни и ефективни продукти за грижа за кожата, на които те могат да се доверят и препоръчат.

Ангажирани с иновации

Повече от 100 години сме се посветили на изследвания и иновации в областта на науката за кожата. Ние вярваме в създаването на активни съставки и успокояващи формули с висока поносимост, които работят, за да Ви помогнат да живеете живота си по-добре всеки ден.